Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Adsense Success Stories

Want some more motivation and inspiration? Check out the link above to read about some of the Adsense Success stories! People like you and me who took a single interest and turned it into a money making success story.

Don't feel bad if you are only making pennies per day using Adsense. Hopefully it will help you to know that lots of people have made even less when they started using Adsense. I even read somewhere where someone said that you shouldn't count on making anything for the first 5 or 6 months of using Adsense.

Now if you have been using Adsense over a year and haven't made anything yet then its time to consider finding out why your Adsense ads aren't getting clicked. Ask people to look at your site and give honest critique of your site. Find out what others love or hate about your site. If need be hire a professional adsense consultant (like me) who can analyze your site to see how it can be better optimized for your adsense ads.

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